Reply To: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis

Home Forums Shidduchim YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis Reply To: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis


Mezonos Maven:

1) the number of nebach older boys PALES in comparison to the number of older girls which is why it is considered a girls crisis. The boys that are older and still single could take a girls every night of the week if the so choose. So while the pain of being single is there for boys as well, the numbers dictate that hundreds of girls have not shot.

2) Interesting you talk about what the R”Y did or didn’t sign. And what if I told you that many R”Y believe boys should come back earlier but aren’t ready to sign such a public statement because the boys are not ready to listen??? You’ll probable call me a liar- that is until a year from now when presto many R”Y are encouraging their boys to curtail their time in EY somewhat.

Here’s a suggestion. Instead of pontificating, try speaking to R”Y when you happen to see them. I’ll think you will be surprised by what MANY will say. I know -because I have.