Reply To: Question re: Ben Sorer U Moreh

Home Forums Bais Medrash Question re: Ben Sorer U Moreh Reply To: Question re: Ben Sorer U Moreh


Joseph, your understanding could be correct (though it needs a lot more explanation of what he meant, as on the surface it contradicts all the principles found in Sanhedrin), but that has nothing to do with the kasha I presented.

Again: …the Bais Din takes nothing into account here except whether or not the child fits the criteria to be poskined a BSuM. His din is already established specifically in the Torah. The Bais Din is taking nothing into account except whether or not the criteria for BSuM have been met. They are not deciding a punishment.

Why did the Torah poskin skilah? Again THIS IS NOT A PUNISHMENT for future sins.

It is a PREVENTION of future sins.