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Muslims the world over know that the Waqf in Y-m protects chas vesholom their lehavdil holy places.
Torah Jews the world over know that the medine turns a blind eye to desecration of our mekoimois hakedoishim, and in some cases such as kever Yosef, has even turned them over to the unclean hands of the Muslims for further desecration.
And the same medine has been responsible for the shmad of hundreds of thousands of Yidden through forced secularization and anti-Torah education.
Moshiach is the only desired successor, as any other solution to the problems caused by the medine could lead to even worse disaster. However, at this point, with the medine turning even American opinion against its continued occupation of Eretz Yisroel, I would not be surprised if all or most of the medine is peacefully dismantled in the same way Gush Katif, Nisanit etc were peacefully dismantled.
And if that happens, our communities, the Torah communities, will be the ones left holding the bag of absorbing the refugees from the medine. Of course we have already had experience, albeit limited, in turning Israelis back into Jews, but it could just be that Moshiach will only come after the land vomits out its sinful inhabitants, who then do tshuva outside the land so that they can be prepared when they do return with malchus beis Dovid. It is not what I or anyone else except maybe Yisroel Dovid Weiss wants or looks forward to, but it is not a far-fetched scenario especially if Obama is re-elected.
As for bituach leumi, the bulk of haredim do pay and do receive. Even a teacher in a Chinuch Atzmai religious school who supports her husband in kollel is required to pay all taxes including bituach leumi. The ones who do not are the Eda HaCharedis, who have been there long before the medine and do not recognize it at all.
I would have preferred that the state never came to be.
However, once it does exist and occupies the Land, it has a responsibility to Jews to preserve the integrity of the Land and its JEWISH inhabitants. Since that is possible only with Torah, the tzionish venture was doomed from day one. There is no Jewish nationalism except Torah, and any sort of secular Jewish identity, be it tzioinus or chicken soup and matzo ball post immigrant US secular Jewish culture, is doomed to fail. The latter has clearly failed and exists only as an object of scorn in the novels of menuvalim like Philip Roth (and it indeed should be an object of mockery), whereas the former is like a dying man who manages to show some strength before he passes on.
The medine boasts of its strong shekel, but that is what will bring on the next recession as jobs move to cheaper India because a tiny country like the medine must export and have cheap exports to survive. This next recession combined with the tidal wave of opposition to the medine among the nations may well be the death knell of the medine which in turn means Moshiach or bust.