Reply To: Ta’aruvos in YWN Coffee Room?

Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar Ta’aruvos in YWN Coffee Room? Reply To: Ta’aruvos in YWN Coffee Room?

NY Mom

truthsharer: NY Mom, there has been flirting going on, people don’t realize it when they post

I am a little unclear about what you are saying. What don’t they realize? They don’t realize that they are flirting? Maybe you’re just confusing joking with flirting.

The definition of flirting in this context according to

I have read nothing which would apply to this definition.

The definition of joking:

“joke – to speak or act in a playful or merry way -OR- to say something in fun or teasing rather than in earnest; be facetious”

You’re misinterpreting comments/posts. Joking is not flirting.