Reply To: Another Indication Moshiach is Close

Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar Another Indication Moshiach is Close Reply To: Another Indication Moshiach is Close


I didn’t really think this required explanation, but in response to the persistent poster who keeps me busy deleting his sarcastic comments.

It has been predicted that before Moshiach, in addition to many other changes preceeding his arrival, there will be rampant immorality (of all kinds) and rampant chutzpah. This particular episode contains both. If you need clarification as to how exactly that is, try thinking about it.

Imagine this happening 50 years ago. Well something this blatant would not have happened then. And if it did, and it became public knowledge, there would have been a mass outcry and everyone involved would have immediately lost their jobs and been disgraced for life. Today we just laugh it off. It fits right in with our general laxity in issues of integrity and morality.

You won’t see this unless you are perceptive, unless you live constantly with a Torah vision. Unless you think about the significance of what is happening as society changes and history leads to the ultimate Geulah.