Reply To: Cell Phones On Dates

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Elliot, if you have to ask that, then you are probably guilty of doing so. if you are on a date, THAT is where your mind should be, and not on the millions of chashuveh people just dying to contact you during those two or three hours. People who cannot let go of their phones even to potentially meet their basherts, are just acting like jerks. And believe me, no girl will want to go out twice with a guy who embarrasses her by taking repeated calls, unless he is a brain surgeon on call (in which case he should never have made a date for that night). This goes both ways, too. Girls have no business being ont he phone either. I have a friend who is always checking her e-mail and texting when she is with me, and I have stopped socializing with her on a regular basis, because after nicely asking her to stop, she continues to do this. IT IS VERY RUDE and it tells the other person that you really don’t care about their feelings!No one is so important that he must be reached 24/7, unless, as I said, he is a brain surgeon (or if chalilah there is a family emergency).