Reply To: Orthodox Jews

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MM, that is a lovely thought, but I would rather you had said that a Jew learning l’shmo does as much for klal Yisroel as the IDF. It is insulting to the IDF, many of whom are frum yidden who learn Torah regularly, to diminish their contribution and self-sacrifice, literally mesiras hanefesh, to ensure the safety of those Jews who are learning in E”Y l’shmo. If Hashem wanted us to believe that learning alone is worth more than defense of E”Y, then why do you think He would have sent Am Yisroel into any milchemes mitzvah or milchemes reshus? I believe both aspects are crucial to E”Y’s survival, and the Israeli soldier is to be strongly appreciated for the risks that are taken on behalf of others. Those who especially need to be makir tov to them are those of us who second guess Israel at every turn, from the safety of our homes here in the USA.