Reply To: Men Wearing Colored Shirts

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In the days of the Taanaim, did they have a policy about what color robes one could wear into the bais medrash? Did they only wear white robes? Black robes? Perhaps robes that were white on top and black on the bottom?

I have yet to see a Rishon dismiss the opinion of another based on the color of his clothing. “Come on, you cant take his shitta in hilchos bishul seriously, he wrote that while wearing a purple caftan” is only something you’d see in a sefer published by an insane alylum.

This entire discussion is asinine.

Whats next? Shirts done by the chineese laundy are no good because the non jew lacks the proper yiras shamayim while ironig the shirts and it will have a negative effect on the wearer?

Perhaps I should open a business that deals only in white shirts and get a hechsher guaranteeing that only yidden who washed negel vaaser touched the materials and machinary in all aspects of the manufacturing, packaging and shipping of the shirts. Then as an added bonus, start a new shirt cleaning service that assures that the starch has the highest hechsher and hire only those with the highest level of yiras shamayim, and who listen to torah tapes while laundering the shirts work in this store. This will assure that the perfectly starched Perry Ellis, Tommy Hilfiger, Nautica, Ralph Lauren, Brooks Brothers, Hart Schafner Marx, Marx Brothers and Saks Fifth Avenue shirts that adorn our bachurim are steeped in yiras shamayim and will not be a hinderence in any way shape or form to their further growth in torah, avodah and yiras shamayim as they grow to become the future leaders of Klal Yisroel.