Reply To: Child Safety Laws

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Good Morning everyone…

a-if a child cannot sit inside shul with his father it is not the place for him children are bet 8 and 9 yrs old when they start going to shul.and they have to promise they will sit next to Tati-if not they stay home for the next few weeks. and those who claim ‘chinuch’ the street is not the kind of chinuch I was looking for!

b-I am a car AND carriage driver…when I cross I turn my carriage to the side so Iam in the front to check out traffic…so many times I am tempted to ‘touch’ the carriage just to give this mother a lesson…

and one more thing when waithing to cross DONT wait in the middle of the street so if a car has to drive thru its an obstacle course because there are people and carriages that have no patience (to get to the world to come)-to get across and the car can hardly drive thru and on the two way streets sometimes there are waitin cars to make a left and a car cannot get by on the side because someone is standing there!!!!!!!!!

c-on the oven cleanrs I can only say my daughte burnt her cornea many years ago…we are still ‘busy’ with it today! and that was WITH locking the bottle and putting out of reach!!!!!!!!!

SIYATA DISHMAYA is the name of the game!