Reply To: Child Safety Laws

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NY Mom

Health – Yes, it is important to know CPR and first aid, and every parent should take such a course. However, I don’t think a course can teach all the safety information that a frum parent needs to know. There are some dangers that are specific to the frum community which must be brought to people’s awareness through communal outreach.

For instance, Chanuka and Pesach time there is an increase of burns in the frum community, because of insufficient precautions taken with the menorah or during bedikas/biur chametz. This needs to be brought to the attention of all frum parents and they must be made aware of the seriousness of the consequences of laxity in this regard.

And why is it that children playing outside of shul unsupervised is so prevalent?

The general attitude of the UTTER IMPORTANCE of safety is LACKING, and it is that which needs to be instilled into the frum communities. It shouldn’t just be a parent here and there who is “overly cautious”. As Mepal said above: common sense. Every Rav of every shul, every yeshiva, and community organizations need to bring these issues to the fore and make common sense COMMON!