Reply To: Smoking Habit

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NY Mom

Yoshi, you are so right! I have a relative who smoked for 40 years or so. Sometimes when I would see him, I would tease him, warn him, cajole, etc. about his smoking. His answer was always, “Leave me alone! It’s my life and I want to enjoy it!”

I never thought that he would EVER stop smoking.

Well, he developed a cough that wouldn’t go away, and he went to he doctor. The doctor warned him he had better quit smoking for the sake of his health. The warning and that cough scared him. And he quit! I couldn’t believe it!

You know, years later he began to have heart trouble. His doctor told him that it was a good thing that he quit smoking, because he would be in much worse shape if he were still smoking.

So you are totally correct. If the person doesn’t really want to do it, nothing will help. Only when a person really makes up his mind to quit, will he be able to overcome it.