Reply To: Stray Dog

Home Forums Around the House Stray Dog Reply To: Stray Dog


A dog is not for everyone, but for those who love pets, you cannot ask for a more loyal, protective one. As I had said earlier, we would never have gotten a dog. I spent the first ten years of my life terrified of them, and neither of my parents wanted a chayeh in the house (other than a parakeet). But when that dog came into our yard as I described, he had such chein, and we were all emotionally vulnerable as it was, due to the loss we had suffered, that we were all hooked immediately. He was unbelievably protective of us – no burglar would have ever even tried to break in, and if a stranger came to the house, he was immediately on guard and ever-watchful until we told him to relax. He also always waited up for my parents to come home from work (they had very late hours), and never went to sleep until they walked in the door.

For a frum person who wants to have a dog in the home, there are ways to do so, without compromising halachic issues, Shabbos or otherwise.