Reply To: Shidduchim – Meshugas or Acceptable

Home Forums Shidduchim Shidduchim – Meshugas or Acceptable Reply To: Shidduchim – Meshugas or Acceptable


Moderator—“The Kallah will likely raise her sons in a similar manner to how her mother raised her brothers”

Seems like you are blaming all mothers for all boys off the derech here!!! Many times no matter what the mother does (and for that matter the father too) a boy (or girl) will make their on decisions regardless of how their mother raised them.

Take your statement a different way, if the sibling is a ben torah, learning 15 hours a day but the girl isnt so “wonderful” should the shidduch be red anyway because look at how wonderful the boy is (and by inference, what a wonderful job the girl will do raising her own!).