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In my experience, It is a total mailoh for a guy to date a girl who is already out of

seminary for a year or two. It is also safer bet, as far as having a long term marriage, for has a bigger chance of meeting the real girl, already fizzled out

of her seminary, “Reality Distortion”. Let me explain that term.

I don’t C”V think seminaries brainwash their girls C”V. as I miswrote earlier.

I simply mean they pump them up with very high aspirations & expectation etc..

not the worst thing in the world, however, some girls buy into thinking they’re at levels they might not actually be on. (not being so honest with themselves) & not taking the real world/reality of things into consideration. I think this is a problem with the boys as well, (Rosh Yesivah/Gadol Hador syndrome)

So in conclusion, when a boy dates a girl that is out of seminary for a year or two,

reality starts to sink in, her own personality shines through & she is forced to come to terms that she isn’t the best thing since sliced bread, & that she doesn’t need

the biggest masmid/lamdan of her city/country. Perhaps she wants to raise a family

in a few years, & not be a speech therapist/special educationer, Ad Meah V’esrim

Shonah,(till 120.) Plus she gets to mature a little more (if thats Shayich 😉 )

So Bochurim, Please Do Not grab the youngest girl just because you were told so,

by your friend, (who does’t know squat) or parents who are just following the crowd.

Take a girl who wont surprise you in few years leaving you thinking, who is she?