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Ben Levi, things that are unobjectionable become unacceptable when taken to excess. Washing your hands is good. Washing them every minute and twenty one seconds around the clock is bad. Modesty and humility are good. Making yourself invisible and total self-deprecation are bad.

A sip of kiddush wine barely registers. Getting stinking drunk is bad.

Any grownup understands the idea of moderation and appropriate self-restraint. With any luck the frontal lobes have developed at least that far. And before you ask, yes, there’s an awful lot of children and adolescents running around in sixty year old bodies.

Children? Not so much. Their brains just aren’t that developed.

Teenagers? Especially teenage boys who can’t blow off extra energy by raiding the neighboring tribe’s cattle? Hormonal-hurricane teenage boys with adult permission to get completely polluted? Get them in a group and most of them will have all the impulse control of a falling brick.

Girls get into mischief when they have too much to drink, but they tend to be a little more mature than boys the same age, and the trouble doesn’t usually involve the Famous Last Words “Hey y’all. Hold my beer and watch this!”