Reply To: Single and Growing

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– as an older single, i don’t live my life to get married. i work, i went to school, i live where it makes sense for me to live, and if things come up then i work it out then. so many ppl seem to think that all older singles should live in ny/nj and be teachers or secretaries for shidduchim.

– that doesn’t mean that i dont’ want to get married. but i know so many people my age who are literally stitting around and waiting. they didn’t go to college because what if they get married in the middle and don’t finish. they don’t try for ajob which would be hard to do when married with kids because what if they get married in the middle. that type of attitude i do not agree with.

– no one is expected to live miserably until they find hte right one. finding the right one is not a 24/7 job. but that doesn’t mean that we don’t have times that are hard for us or lonely like shabbas,, yomim tovim, etc. if we live a normal life, it does not mean that it is less important for us to get married.