Reply To: Frumster???

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AZOI.IS: I don’t have a frumster account so I can’t be sure of the details. Just doing a quick search on their website shows that there are quite a few guys in the “Yeshivish Black Hat” and “Yeshivish Modern” categories. I would put myself in the latter category and I think I’d be more likely to use a site like frumster than SYAS. My reasoning is that on SYAS you have to deal with a shaddchan and if I understand correctly they call your references so other people would know you’re using the site (am I wrong about this?). With Frumster I think there’s less verification done so fewer people would know you’re using it (i.e. you can do it without your family knowing). Also Frumster is actually a dating site, meaning that you actually see the details and interact with the people you are interested in. I actually filled out a profile at eHarmony for the purpose of a post I was writing for my blog and I found that there are frum girls on there as well.