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“We forget we are in galus, we feel comfortable with the fact that the UN proclaimed it a land for jews… ha, how riduclous could our thoughts be?”

Actually, Rochelle, the UN didn’t declare it a land for Jews – HKB”H did. It’s in the Torah. That’s why I am here and not in the States. The Torah doesn’t mention Monsey, Flatbush, Boro Park, Lakewood, Baltimore, Cleveland, Waterbury, Teaneck, Five Towns, Crown Heights, Deale, Toronto, Montreal, or anyplace else in North America.

But like I tell my kids – they can wake up and be in Hashem’s holy city Yerushalayim in an hour, on a bus that costs 15 shekels. Their friends have to take a plane that takes 11 hours and costs $1000.

I would suggest that y’all read the book “Eretz Yisrael in the Parsha,” by Rav Moshe Lichtman.