Reply To: Should Girls go to Rallies?

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I could not possibly disagree more with those who are opposed to females participating in a rally. Soviet Jewry, most of whom were not frum Yidden, saw an end to their oppression because of our male and female attendance. If you base your worthiness of a given rally on the “frumness” of the cause, then there will be many neshamos whom you might neglect to help in your holding fast to yuor position. there is nothing untzniusdig for ANY Jew to fulfill the mitzvah of “lo sa-amohd al dom reiyacha.” It is untzniusdig for people to BEHAVE immodestly, and that can happen, indoors, outdoors, in Yeshivah, at shul, in the park,and yes, even at a Tehillim rally, if the person engaging in immodesty is there for the wrong reasons and acting improperly.