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“I would feel not very kind if I went out and bought non Cholov Yisroael for someone else when I am strictly Cholov Yisroael for “

How a person “feels,” is halachically irrelevant as to whether or not something is in fact kosher. Someone who holds by Breuer’s shechita, for example, might not “feel” another schechitah is reliable. That does not mean he is correct, only that he is correct for HIMSELF. I personally would feel EXTREMELY unkind if I knew someone else could eat something that I myself cannot use. Just because you eat C”Y does not mean the person who does not do so is inferior to you in some way. If he eats C”S, then you would be doing him a TOVA to give him the item you yourself cannot eat because it is not C”Y.

Let’s take the argument away from kashrus for the moment. Suppose you are a borderline diabetic and someone invited to your home for a dinner gives you a beautiful store-bought cake that is 100% certain kosher. You absolutely hold that you cannot eat it yourself, much as you would love to. Should you throw it out, or maybe give it to a friend who (assuming there is no weight problem) can eat sugary foods? If you think this is nothing like the issue of kashrus, IMO you are mistaken. Kashrus is all about what we theoretically CAN eat but MAY not eat. Halachically we all CAN eat C”S products, but some of us hold to a standard that says they MAY not do so. That doesn’t mean that the rest of us are unkosher, and it surely does not mean that kosher C”S foods should not be given away to kosher C”S-eating Jews. You don’t throw out good food, especially when someone else can use it. If it were not kosher, there is no question.