Reply To: Health Care Bill

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Ben Levi

Welcome back Charlie,

FIrst off about the CBO score Congressman Paul Ryan is not calling the CBO “liars” he is simply stating the facts CBO must score bills based on what is put before them.

Hence we have the CBO scoring a bill which states that Medicare comp will be cut by an excess of 20%.


COngress has already stated they will pass a seperate “DOc FIx” to eliminate those cuts (as they should or no Doctor will treat MEdicare patients).

The CBO is asked to score a bill based on Congress ebactings taxes years in the future. Will COngress do that? Fat chance considering the fact it does’tn take a rocket scientist to figure out what a 3% payroll tax will do for Jobs.

The Cbo is asked to score a bill based on 500 Billion dollars in fraud and waste being cut from Medicare.

Will it be cut?

Good Questiion, if it can why was’nt it till now?

Hence you arrive at the conclusion the former head of the CBO stated openly (NYT op-ed I believe) The CBO is the best at what they do neaning they score what you give them give trhem a fraudelent bill and you get a fraudelent result.