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anon: Rep. James Thomas Heflin from Alabama.
Wolf & Co.: As I previously said, golus has negatively affected our outlook where sometimes we cannot even recognize a goyishe idea for being what it is. To compare mother’s day l’havdil elef havdolos to Yom Kippur, Shavuous et al in any shape matter or form, clearly demonstrates this. It blatantly ignores the absolute indesputable fact that a Yid is different than a goy spiritually, mentally, and yes even physically.
(The Gemara suggests that the Shichvas Zera of a Nochri has different properties from that of a Jew, since the Nochri eats non-Kosher foods and is physically affected by his diet. The Chasam Sofer (Teshuvos YD 175) writes that this Gemara is relevant in practice. He rules that we cannot assume that a medical treatment that was tested successfully on a Nochri will also be successful on a Jew. Rav Elyashev shlita pointed out that the Chasam Sofer writes that the physical characteristics of a Yid are different than a Goy, and that what applies to one may not apply to the other. Therefore, said Rav Elyashev, how much more so regarding the mind/soul?)