Reply To: Mothers Day: Yes, Or No?

Home Forums Bais Medrash Mothers Day: Yes, Or No? Reply To: Mothers Day: Yes, Or No?


“Mothers day should be supported by those whom their mothers care about it”

And Groundhog day should be supported by those whom their fathers care about it; and Earth day should be supported by those whom their mothers care about it; and Mardi Gras day should be supported by those whom their fathers or mothers care about it. Right? Because if not, they will be Over the Mitzva of Kibbud Av V’Em.

Just let’s remember that Groundhog day and Mother’s day has nothing to do with Judaism, the Torah, or our people. Sometimes you just gotta accommodate other people’s silliness in order to maintain friendly relations.

BTW, what the Shaarei Teshuva described fitting into as “Karov La’Apikores” doesn’t fit into the definition of the Rambam quoted by ME2. So perhaps I shall change the description of what ME2 questioned from “plainest definition” to “Karov La’Apikores”, and it shall fit in more aptly.