Reply To: Melamdim and Sugar

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About what you said; For instance my self. I do enjoy eating with the diet we’re talking about.

Like I said previously, there is extreme large choices (selection) in the grocery. We can even have almost every Nosh, Cake (for the craving kids) as I do. We can switch to Trans-Fat free (A lately option), Products without “H.F. Corn Syrup”. (plain corn syrup OR fructose, etc).

What do you say to that.”

Actually I look at the labels and usually avoid transfats.

Some things I thought were really tasty I avoided because they had transfats in them.

My problem is not with nutritional awareness or with better healthy choices.

My problem is with government mandating it.

Once government is allowed to decide for us what we may or may not have, it is guaranteed to eventually lead to an oppressive situation like Soviet Russia or worse like North Korea where people literally starve to death, under such government control.

Peoples’ worst enemies, often come to them as friends pretending to care about them, like liberals, so concerned with ‘your health’ for example.

If they care so much about people and their well being and about their children, they would be constantly campaigning to stop school bullying, which is far worse by many times, then childhood obesity (and in fact is probably one factor causing childhood obesity, because the kid who is afraid to go out and exercise because of bullies, will stay indoors and ‘not’ get that exercise).

Obviously they are not on a campaign to stop neighborhood and school bullying, thus proving they care nothing about the childrens’ well being.

Since they are so obviously lying (and that is just one small example of a massive overwhelming, ship load, of proof) about what their true agenda really is, I would never trust them to run my life and would resist with any (albiet meager) power, I have, the idea of them gaining even more control over my life then they have now.

Just remember in Germany in the 1920’s a certain group that rose to power on the basis of “improving society”.

Or Stalin who used the same theme to take over ‘his’ country and become it’s absolute dictator.

Jews did far worse then most others in both countries during that era.

Jews should be the absolute ‘last’ ones, to trust any government with increasing power over their lives (and that includes a Jewish government, like the seculars in Israel).

You said; “Be careful with the Trans-Fat free symbol. Look Only on Ingredients! It shouldn’t be any of the word

H-y-d-r-o-g-e-n-a-t-e-d OR Vegetable Fat at least.

Nutrition Facts is an additional confusion factor.(next time) “

Yes I know this, but it is good information, so I appreciate you posting it here.
