Reply To: Ripped Off Working In Camps

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When I looked at this thread title, I had thought it was about actually being ripped off as in what happened to me which was that the one time I ever worked in a summer camp, they never paid me what they had promised.

I had also known nothing about camps never having been in one before that and did not know that those working there had to fight each other for rooms stay in or at least

be the first there to get one.

Silly me I had thought that they would have made sure there was a place for everyone they hired.

I also had not known that people who worked there were so obnoxious, like the one who was in charge of tools and did not want to allow me to use any to put a door on the

room I finally found for myself, even though he had more then one, and no one was using any of them.

Or like the other one who worked in the canteen and went out of his way to insult

everyone he served.

Or the other one who ran the kitchen who loved to yell at and bully everyone else.

This guy couldn’t run his own crew properly and he blamed everyone else for his failings (Note; I did not work in the kitchen, thank G-d, I just observed how this guy acted, both in the kitchen and in general).

Well…….That is why my first time in any summer camp, was my last.