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There is a general gezeirah against listening to music which was decreed when the Beis Hamikdash was destroyed. (Gittin 7a, Sotah 44a) Some limit it to listening b’kvius, and their example is those who go to sleep to music. (See Rema O.C. 560) However the whole gezeirah is controversial as to what exactly it pertains to – if you look around people don’t seem to be keeping it. R’ Moshe for talks about it at length in the Igros, as do many recent poskim. One interesting shitah is the Chelkas Yoav who maintains that the entire gezeirah was never ‘chal’ on any kind of instrument that didn’t exist then, and so electric or recorded music would not be included at all. But there is a lot to discuss, and it isn’t something to pasken al regel achas, so my advice is to ask your rav.