Reply To: Hotel on Night of Chasunah

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I agree with smartcookie.

Perhaps I can understand if the Chasan/Kallah have the wedding out of town and their new home is not ready yet, and there is absolutely no alternative. But most of the time the new home is local and usually ready before the wedding, or they can be respectfully put up by family/friends just as they are during Sheva Brochos out of town.

Someone mentioned it is more romantic. I think the ruchniyus of the Chasunah day far outweighs these foreign concepts of romance. Hotels, even fancy ones, were never places that have much ruchniyus associated with it. I don’t think I need to elaborate on that point. Of all nights on ones life, the night of ones own Chasunah, the ruchniyus permeating should I think be properly treated.