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Yentish – I’m going to say, I’m with you, but I could not tell if you meant you scrape / stack the china or the disposables at the table (we do the latter, thank you very much!)

Mischief – Its either because grew up with linen, and cannot fathom a disposable plastic tablecloth on top of the linen one, or you ONLY know of the plastic disposable table cloth on top of the linen one, and cannot fathom sitting down to a table without one. (Again, I’m of the latter group).

Stacking is only an issue if you are the one clearing the table. If it gets done for you (younger siblings, live-in, ect) the question never even becomes an issue. (Needless to say, we stack)

Where is gets interesting is when one of the kids go to a friend’s house and see an “upscale” version of the Shabbos table and whan to have those upgrades instituted at home (but do not want to know of washing / drying the china on motzoi Shabbos).

Our home scene? If we are having guests (and guests can be anywhere from kiruv boys, to bungalow friends, or anyone in between) we roll out the china (the plastic disposable tablecloth over linen is not up for negoitiation). The 1st time our D-I-L / mechutonim (may they come sooner than soon!) come for the meal, they get the royal treatment. After Sheva brachos are over, out comes the disposables.

Ok, maybe an execption for the mechutonim, becuase they’ll only be comeing over once in a while. But the kallah? Now she’s one of the gang! (That’s life 🙁