Reply To: July 4 and Yom Ha'Atzma'us

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel July 4 and Yom Ha'Atzma'us Reply To: July 4 and Yom Ha'Atzma'us


Max well,

You wrote,

“Once they violated halacha ipso facto, they lost any right to recognition by the Torah community.”

In fact, much of the Torah community does not consider the creation of the medinah to be a violation of halachah. Some of the greatest rabbis in the world have been religious Zionists.

Furthermore the alternative today to “no medinah” is rule by Hamas. Do we really believe that instead of Israel having been created, we would have preferred that Palestinian Arab rule been established over Eretz Yisrael in 1948? We should all be grateful that the medinah prevents this even if the would have preferred that the government be more sympathetic towards our concerns.

You also wrote,

“No American court ever threw fathers and mothers in jail for sending their children to the school of their choice. “

There were threats of prison during the “massive resistance” days when the courts ordered the end to the racist separate but unequal school systems in the US South. However, the racists backed down in every single case and nobody actually went to prison. The court did not prevent anyone from getting a Torah education; it did, however, put an end to certain discriminatory practices *contrary* to halachah like mechitzahs between Ashkenazim and Sefardim and mandating pronunciations not based on ones’ own mesorah. We should be saluting the court and the religious judge, Hon. Edmond Levy, who promoted the settlement, not trashing them.