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Before you decide to take the leap of faith alone, factor in the reasons why Olim return back to their former countries:

1. If you think that people in frum neighborhoods in America are judgemental, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. If you are blacklisted for ANY reason in Eretz Yisroel, you and your children will have no one to associate with.

2. If you have school aged children, the chinuch systems are dramatically different in America vs. Eretz Yisroel. Besides for the different level, your kids must have no speech, processing,etc. issues or the Hebrew translating will be almost insurmountable.

3. The job market is still attrocious. Poseiach es Yodecha Umasbia is the ultimate goal to strive for, but are you really ready to rely on miracles? When the husband is unable to support the family, shalom bayis often suffers.

Obviously, Eretz Yisroel is THE place to be but go in with realism in front of your eyes.