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Yes, living like an avreich is much cheaper, if you already own a home and are not marrying children off. Semanaries, i.e., post high school are more expensive, but still cheaper then the states. On the other hand marrying children off here is extremely expensive. Buying homes is extremely expensive. Dental care (young childrens care has just become free), especially orthodontics is not covered under the standard health plan. But, you have to compare apples to apples. If you live in the states with low income, you usually qualify for medicaid, food stamps, and other programs, and you will probably get a tuition cut as well. Although education costs here are very cheap, don’t ever expect a tuition break.

The tax system here is very difficult as well. One major point is that men don’t receive tax deductions for chidren, while women do. So if you have a large family, if you’re wife’s making the money that’s great otherwise you will be left with very little income. Beginning tax rates start very low as well. If you have a private business you can usually put most of the income in your wife’s name.

Another point. In education, if you work for a goverment school, like Chinuch Atzmai, or a city school, married women with children get a standard 20% pay raise, as well as maternal benfits, which men don’t get.