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you are carrying your idea to the extreme.

If you applied such exactitude to other areas there would be no language whatsoever and we may as all be mute.

“My neighbor has a young child.”

How can someone say that? It is meaningless. What is a neighbor? Someone who lives adjacent to me? On my block? In my general neighborhood? In my city? In my country? And the usage depends on where you are talking about. A rural area? The city? Suburbs?

A neighbor in Manhattan might refer to within a block or so. In Texas rural areas, it might mean a ranch 20 miles away. Is the neighbor tall, short, a man, woman, adolescent, a gorilla?

“has young child”? An infant? a toddler? a 10 year old? A toddler is a far cry from a 10 year old, which one is meant? Is it a boy? a girl? Jewish? not Jewish? Mexican? an Arab?

“has a” young child

what does that mean. how can we use such imprecise language?

Is the child a slave? kidnapped? adopted? just visiting?

a birth child?

Terms in any language are always imprecise.

We use them and add further characterizations and stipulations to clarify them to the precision that is necessary to elicit the required understanding. This is quite elementary.

These particular terms you don’t like because they can carry potentially damaging connotations to some people is perfectly reasonable. But your argumentation as to their IMPRECISION is spurious at best.

I suspect however you are going to continue along the same lines.