Reply To: Bungalow Colonies / Summer Vacation Problems

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Sorry, but if they are just among women and VERY young boys, I don’t see a problem. Why shouldn’t a woman wear a two-piece suit if she wants to swim in one, and why should she not tan in a bathing suit (what was the pardon me for – is there something wrong with the words “bathing suit?”) ? I can understand the idea of needing to be tzniusdig when men are around, but there is no issur on women seeing other women dressed less formally when there are NO men present. And trying to make it somehow appear to be untzniusdig does not make it so.

Sorry, don’t agree. Tznius, (as most things,) is made up of both the letter of the law and the spirit of the law. While wearing a two piece around women may not be a problem according to halacha, (and that would be for “regular” frum people, not someone whos going from a public beach to a shaitel) IMO, its not really (for lack of a better word) promoting it either. What may be for the rest of the world, is not necessarily for us. I once heard that if theres ever a question about tznius, one should ask themselves if Mashiach were to come while they were wearing it, if they would be proud of themselves. How many people would be proud to greet Mashiach in a two piece bathing suit?

Some frum clothing stores have public dressing rooms, and the way I see it, it sort of defeats the purpose. Have people try on tznius clothing in a non-tznius manner?!
