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Helpful: I do not have to believe that someone is quoting R’ Chaim correctly, not do I have to accept that someone quoted someone quoting R’ Chaim correctly. Someone already wrote this, but quite frankly the quote attributed to R’ Chaim, on face value, is knegged haseichel and makes no sense.

People say a lot of things in the name of the Chazon Ish and Steipler Z’l, and it doesnt make it true. I know someone who wrote a letter to R’ Chaim Kanievsky Shlita, asking about a specific inyan which was said over in the name of his father and asking for guidance and clarification for his particular situation. R’ Chaims response, “Lo Hadam”. I saw the original question, and response. If you have a shayla, ask a Rav, dont rely on what “they say”. As Rav moshe Tuvia Lieff shlita is wont to say tongue in cheek, “R’ Yennem, is the best hashgacha,…. yennem koift, yennem ess”. Not everything you read or hear is true. If you want to call it “casting aspersion”, so be it.