Reply To: Girls Congregating the Streets on Shabbos

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Max Well

MW – Firstly, mbachur asked you which Rama you claimed said so. After failing to identify which Rama you allegedly cited, you changed your recollection “off the top of your head” from the MaHari Vayl to the MaHari Bruna. So I’ll ask again, specifically which Rama paskens like (what is now) the MaHari Bruna?

Secondly, as I said earlier their is an open and explicit Shulchan Aruch (which I cited) that paskens Kol Kevuda is halacha, in addition to the Gemorah’s I cited and the Rambam (putting aside the whole host of medrashim) and a black and white posek in Tehillim itself. Not to mention just about every major posek, past and present, that addressed it i.e. Shu”t Seridei Aish Even HaEzer 78:21 (as well as Rav Moshe, Rav H. Schachter, etc.)

Last I checked the Shulchan Aruch is still applicable in the 21st century.