Reply To: Sheitels

Home Forums Bais Medrash Sheitels Reply To: Sheitels


“The whole perpose of a sheitel is to tell the difference between a married and single girl…”

Actually lgbg, that is NOT the purpose of a sheitel. If that were the purpose, single girls would be forbidden to wear anything on their heads (hats, sheitels etc) because how could you distinguish between a single girl and a married one?? There is no halacha forbidding a single girl from wearing a hat or even sheitel. This is a fundamental issue! It makes a big difference.

A married woman covers her head because its ERVAH. Thats it. The type of head covering is up for debate halachically, and IMHO (supported by my rabbis and everything I have ever learned), the decree against real looking sheitels is just a fashion statement.