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Mazal, while I understand what you are saying about various rabbis, you should also understand that other rabbis disagree.
“If they had any idea of what the wigs out there look like nowadays, they would not permit them nowadays” – I would like your source for this because this is a HUGE statement.
“I wouldn’t go over and tell a person in their face that a Sheitel is from Gehinom. I don’t believe in embarassing anyone” – if they were given a psak that a sheitel is ok, why would you go over to a person anyway? Even in private? Shouldnt you respect their psak even if you dont agree with it?
As for women not looking like they are wearing a sheitel – can someone please provide a source saying why it is wrong? I havent seen anything (besides for various psak halacha that differ). Why does a man have to know a women is married just by looking at her? Why is it not ok that her “ervah” is covered? Isnt that the prohibition?
(Not trying to be argumentative, I’m just trying to get down to the crux of everything)