Reply To: Sheitels

Home Forums Bais Medrash Sheitels Reply To: Sheitels


“we should be glad that many women, who otherwise might be turned off from wearing a head covering, are in fact covering their hair, instead of arguing whether or not they are doing it the right way.”

Exactly how I feel!!! How many times have I seen a woman who previously did not cover her hair all of a sudden put on a shaitel? It is only because the styles nowadays are much nicer than ever before. I got married in 1985, and there is no comparison between the wigs now and the wigs then. Now the hair is nicer and most of the wigs come with a skin top so the part looks real. It was only those few who could afford to spend several thousand dollars for a custom made wig that really looked like their own hair. Nowadays, everyone can look really nice with all these very real looking wigs. I think it’s fantastic.