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also i dont recall that he has to talk with her all the way to his house, i thought taking her was sufficient. do you have a source?

No, and perhaps you’re right. The point, nonetheless, is that n’suin, whatever the technical details, can be done with a minimum of two eidim. Not everyone has to see n’suin for it to be 100% valid. It could be done in private after the wedding (which the bride need not attend).

The Wolf

(Note: Just to make clear — I’m NOT advocating this. I don’t know of anyone who advocates not having the bride at the wedding. No one to my knowledge, no matter how “frum” does this. The point I’m making is that the idea of Tznius does NOT trump all public appearances. Just as it can be perfectly valid for a bride to be at a wedding, so too can a girl be at other functions that are valid. *If* you posit a bas mitzvah to be a valid function, there is no problem with her being there and it’s not a “violation” of the concept of tznius, anymore than a bride being in a distinctive gown and the center of attention at a wedding.)