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Rosh Chabura:
1. In Chicago more than 90% of the school parent body WORKS. The Kehilla Fund merely substitutes the missing amount and is a lump sum per school attendance. It is not earmarked towards person A or B.
2. In situations where the family will sink financially there are a few families who are major donors to the school anyways, and they cover the costs of those families. Chinuch is NOT FREE in Chicago.
3. Chicago contracts out tuition decisions. Each parent must send in their Tax Returns to the contractor who has a computer algorithm that sets a tuition rate. This takes the ability of one domineering tuition commitee member from taking revenge against families he doesn’t get along with.
4. Any parent who has the chutzpah to call up a school and demand that another child NOT BE ACCEPTED, or ask for another child to be thrown out………………(My wife didn’t let me finish my thought!!).
5. Schools that treated their alumni well during their stay in the school, and treat the current children well ARE NOT SUFFERING FINANCIALLY DESPITE THE ECONOMIC DOWNTURN. If you treat them well, they’ll treat you well back. It’s just that simple.