Reply To: Musical Chairs and Shidduchim

Home Forums Shidduchim Musical Chairs and Shidduchim Reply To: Musical Chairs and Shidduchim


My “agenda” has been stated and restated numerous times. I would cherish new ideas to alleviate this cruel game of musical chairs.


“And before you tell me that G-d had it all worked out and we bumbling mortal fools came and wrecked His Plan, realize what you are saying about His omniscience and clairvoyance and decide yourself if that rebuttal is heresy.”

You hit the nail on the head.

Regarding accepting blame:

Realizing it is in the numbers that we ourselves caused and brought this tragedy upon ourselves (by our dating patterns) is step one is solving the problem. Recognizing our mistakes and taking targeted corrective action is the responsible thing to do.

However if I may, I prefer not to debate the notion in this thread, but rather simply to disucss potential solutions how to end the cruel game.