Reply To: Al Tarbe Sicha Im Haisha

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if you want to see how far this “small” social gesture can go, and how the goyim have absolutely NO hasaga of what it means to be “hands off” and shomer negia-

my friend was a head counselor in a day camp and they called the police i think to break out color war/something. The police officer immediately extended his hand in greeting, and my friend responded as usual “i’m sorry we don’t shake hands for religious reasons, nothing personal” to which the police officer responded – PATTING HER ON THE SHOULDER, “oh i understand honey…” We have to trust our gedolim, i’ve never heard of any heter whatsoever. Would you also say it’s embarrassing to decline an offer of food that was not kosher? This is Kedushas Yisroel! This is one of the greatest things that keeps us so special, and were trying to find loopholes and compromises???