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In my humble opinion I dont think all Jews “rank” the chashivus of other jews. I think its, without mentioning any particular group (Yeshivish), where it is, unfortunatly, the most prevelant.

I’d like to believe that the reason why the “Yeshivish Movement” was started was to unite all the Bnei Yeshiva, and I’m sure all original intentions were noble. However, at this point, I think if you dont conform, if you voice a slight objection/opinion, you don’t wear whats “accepted” you are then excluded from the “club” and deemed an outsider. Oh! better yet, your not even Yeshivish your an imposter, a “Harry”.

I think differences should be celebrated because there is noone that you cant learn from. If the Yeshivas and Bais Yaakovs are cranking out lifeless/thoughtless zombies, where is any original thought going to come from?