Reply To: Yeshivas Ohr Reuven


Yeshivos Ohr rueven is by far the warmest yeshiva around, the yeshiva has the most carrying rabbiem and its a place were all the guys call it a second home. In yeshiva the concept of “shtultz” does not exist regardless if one guy is 25 and the other is merely 14 it doesnt matter there still exists a strong friendship between them. The yeshiva is led by the esteemed Rosh hayeshiva rav betzalel Rudinsky along with Rabbi brodie rabbi bamburger Rabbi medetzky and the most amazing reabbiem possible- ask all happy parents baaal habetim kollel guys and the bachorim they will tell you how much they love yeshiva. Join in the Ohr Rueven Family we can’t wait to have you for more info and shiurim visit .