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1.PARENTS: Fathers should do all they can to foster a healthy self-image in their daughters with regard to their general appearance.A girl’s first “male to impress”is her father.Together with a mother who is generous with compliments(ex.”Hashem gave you a beautiful face,bli ayin hora”)the girl will feel good about herself.Secure, she is less likely to be bursting to “test the waters”(am I pretty enough?)with every/any male as she starts realizing her innate power to attract…

2.The Spirit of Tznius:If a girl grows up with the sensitivity to tznius,it is easier for her to make better decisions when shopping for clothes.Here are a few examples.A mother can remark casually”you know,today I saw a beautiful outfit..I was debating with myself-should I get it?It’s a bit snug/showy..I decided to hold off.Guess what?In the very next store,I found a much nicer outfit–and it was half the price!See how Hashem loves when we try to do the right thing?”OR:”Sweetheart,that top really does look attractive on you…maybe a little too attractive?I guess that’s the nisayon of being so nice and slim..let’s look for that same color,just a looser style….”

3.TEENS NEED TO MAKE A FEW MISTAKES:Fighting and arguing rarely leaves them with a good taste in their heart for tznius..At this point,it’s more along the lines of:”I know you want to look classy-not cheap.I trust you’ll make good choices.”AND IF THEY MAKE MISERABLE CHOICES…IT’S BETWEEN THEM AND HASHEM.YOU TAUGHT THEM,YOU GUIDE THEM–BUT ULTIMATELY THEY HAVE BECHIRA.