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I guess that because I try to be respectful of all people, Jew and non-Jew alike, the problem has never come up with me. But Jews are less likely to have the type of control that we saw in Germany. There was a story told of a Rov who every morning would see his (anti-Semitic) neighbor, when he left for shul and would greet him, “Good morning Herr Schmidt.” The neighbor barely grunted a response. nevertheless, the Yid continued to greet him warmly every morning, and this went on for some time.

The Nazis came to power and the Rov was taken along with all the Jews of his town and brought to the camps. AS Jews were being sent to the gas chambers, he noticed his neighbor, now decked out in Nazi regalia. As always, he greeted him, “Good morning, Herr Schmidt.” The Nazi looked at him, and pointed away from the death chamber and his life was spared.

It may be really distasteful to us as Jews, but this is not a Jewish country (despite what the media would like to think). We must be very much aware that our lives are sometimes dependent upon the non-Jews, much as it galls us, and therefore we are obligated to be concerned that we do not tip the scales even more against us.