Reply To: Tablecloths on Sukkos

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I live in tzefas (near kikar ha’maginim) and i never heard of YOUR ‘admor’? Is he the admor that comes to town every now and than and dovens in the kosuv?

But everybody knows that what makes this town tick is that this town is just plain wacko, (na na’chs – Mashiach’ist – doped out balei teshuva – coverts who did so by simply stating ‘I AM A JEW’ ect. We are also a town of an incredibly high % of vegans and vegetarians.

So I am venturing a guess here (and this is pure speculation) But maybe YOUR admor owns a shechita factory?

Because to say r’l on such a thing is a distortion of halacha and Torah

See you at Sanz