Reply To: Shidduchim: Why is everybody lying and is it ok?

Home Forums Shidduchim Shidduchim: Why is everybody lying and is it ok? Reply To: Shidduchim: Why is everybody lying and is it ok?


The shidduchim crisis isn’t man-made, it’s real. But the basis for the crisis is man-made, and woman-made. The girls and boys who get engaged “on-time” are the ones who are reasonable and aren’t looking for a spouse with a shopping list of demands. The majority of our children do get married withour major problems. Those who end up falling into the “crisis” are the ones who are etched in stone demanders of perfection. Hey ladies and gentleman wake up. Nobody is perfect. The ideal of a Mr. or Ms. Right is goyish. I don’t mean looking for a beautiful girl or handsome boy. That’s a natural human concept and has no issur in hashkofo at all. It becomes wrong if made into a very main point, instead of looking at a beautiful character. From many many anectodal conversations that I’ve had with crisis members I’ve seen that their demands are far far too demanding and unreasonable. I’ve spoken to 45 year old guys who insist on a beautiful 21 year old girl. Hey guy have you looked at yourself lately. That’s shallow.