Reply To: Andrew Cuomo – or – Carl Paladino? Why?

Home Forums Politics Andrew Cuomo – or – Carl Paladino? Why? Reply To: Andrew Cuomo – or – Carl Paladino? Why?


I personally will be voting for Andrew Cuomo. He has the character and personality to get along with people, something that has been badly missing in Albany since his father left office. Paladino has clearly demonstrated that the only thing he can do is deliver mean insults. And Paladino has been stupid enough to tie himself to Yehudah Levin who tried to get us to support Patrick Buchanan HaRasha. Cuomo, on the other hand, will be able to work together with the legislature to solve New York’s fiscal problems.

Furthermore, many of Paladino’s policies are stupid. For example, he wants to cut an eight figure amount from NY Medicaid which is the one of the best health insurance programs in America. As a result, lots of poor Jews will no longer have health insurance and about half the hospitals in NYC will close, putting tens of thousands out of work and making it impossible to deal with any kind of epidemic. And he claims to want to cut taxes while creating a very expensive school voucher program that would cost billions. That kind of fuzzy math is what got the state into the fiscal mess it is in in the first place! The only good thing is that should he somehow get elected, he has offended so many people that none of his programs will get enacted.