Reply To: Will Rav Amnon Yitzchak manage to change the music industry?

Home Forums Music Will Rav Amnon Yitzchak manage to change the music industry? Reply To: Will Rav Amnon Yitzchak manage to change the music industry?


its_me, I don’t think this well informed yid means what you think. in fact your last comment is pretty preposterous – no rav would sign a psak “out of respect” for another rav. emet is emet. I think what he meant was, many times there have been forged signatures of gedolim on letters and posters regarding controversial issues such as this one. i.e., the rabbonim never signed regarding the matter at all. not saying this is the case in this particular situation, just that it’s a strong possibility.

the only issue I agree with here is the mixed concerts. yes, it does make sense considering people like to go as a family with their children, and it is charming that they call it “family seating”, but in reality it’s just just families who are sitting there. and let’s be real, is a family of 6 more likely to miss a concert because mom and dad can’t sit together, or mom takes 2 kids, dad takes 2 kids? what in the world is wrong with that? will someone who attends concerts with their spouse and children please tell me if that would be a problem for them?